How To Disguise A Jewelry Box To Truly Make It A Surprise

Did you know that Americans spend $6.2 billion on jewelry for Valentine’s Day? That is a lot of bling! BUT, the problem is that the shape of a jewelry box is very recognizable, ruining the surprise.
Whether it's Valentine's Day or any occasion throughout the year, jewelry is a popular gift to give. It is way more fun to watch someone open a gift when they don't know what it is. What can we do to solve this problem? Glad you asked.
Disguise The Surprise is a new gift-packaging tool for wrapping gifts. It is a set of 12 REUSABLE dividers that you arrange around your small box inside of a shirt box.

The dividers simply slide together around the small box holding it in place inside of a shirt box. The dividers are adjustable, so you can move them around until you get your desired layout. The divider set comes with 12 dividers (4 varying lengths). You will only need to use 4 of them (2 length & 2 width) when disguising a jewelry box.

The dividers will work with any shaped jewelry box, square, ring, bracelet...that's the beauty of them being adjustable. You have flexibility on how you can use them.

The Disguise The Surprise dividers are an engineered gift-packaging tool. They were designed with specific purposes and functions. You can purchase the divider set with or without a shirt box on the website. Some people want ease and include a shirt box for a guaranteed fit. Some people have tubs of shirt boxes at home. Not all shirt boxes are of equal size, some store bought boxes are a bit shorter. The long dividers have a hinge on one end that folds. This gives you more flexibility on the boxes you can use. It won't fit every shirt box out there, but it definitely gives you more options.

Some jewelry boxes can be very shallow or thin. There are several options you can do to stop these boxes from moving up and down. You can put tissue paper under the box or put a puffy bow. One of the dividers was designed to help with this. The riser divider lifts up shallow items like a jewelry box. Simply slide it in the notches under the box and it will lift the item up one inch. You can leave it like that, or place something on top of the riser dividers that are visible in the box, like a fake rose used in the box below.

The beauty of you making your own gift box is that you get to decide what to put inside. You can leave the jewelry box as the solo gift with an awesome surprise, or you can take it a step further and fill the other sections with more gifts.

Everyone thinks there are clothes inside a shirt box, making it the perfect disguise. Whether you leave the jewelry box alone or add more items, when she lifts the lid and sees what is really inside, that is where the excitement comes in. Her reaction will be priceless! You spend all this time and money picking out a nice piece of jewelry, therefore the packaging should be just as exciting. We now have a clever gift-packaging tool that is easy to use and creates a fun gifting experience for both the giver and the receiver. You can learn more and shop at

Want to see how this works? Watch this video that shows you how to easily disguise a jewelry box.